Long Beach Sagely Monastery
Avatamsaka [Flower Adornment] Sutra
- Dharma Flower Sutra
- Shurangama
Sutra, The Buddha Speaks the Sutra of the Ultimate Extinction of the
Dharma & Shurangama Mantra
- Earth Store Sutra
- The Vajra Sutra
- The Heart Sutra & The Heart Sutra with verses by Ven. Master Hua
The Sutra in 42 Sections
- The Shastra on the
Door to Understanding the 100 Dharmas
Song of Enlightenment
- The
True Meaning of Taking Refuge & Why Should We Receive and Uphold the
Five Precepts?
- The Ten Dharma Realms Are Not Beyond a Single
Thought by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
- Recalling Former Causes
- The Ultimate Meaning
of the Middle Way
- Moon Over West River
- The Stew in the Pot...
- Chan Verses by Ven. Master Hua
楞嚴經、 佛說法滅盡經、楞嚴咒
- 金剛經
- 心經、
- 皈依的真義、爲什麽要受持五戒?
- 十法界不離一念心
- 中道了義、
- 西江月
宣公上人作:禪七偈頌 |
order the DRBA publications cited on this website, please contact your local
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the branches) or order from the DRBA's official booksellers:
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Avatamsaka [Flower Adornment] Sutra
華嚴經 |
Avatamsaka [Flower Adornment] Sutra:
Sutra texts,
Preface, Prologue...

- About
Universal Worthy Bodhisattva from the
CTTB website
Chapter 40: Universal Worthy's Conduct and Vows A
Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
- A
description of
Worthy Bodhisattva entering into Indra's net of conduct;
Net wherein the infinity of jewels emit light,,,;
the network banner in front of the palace of the god Indra. Its
lights all shine upon each other, and its interstices all penetrate each
Universal Worthy's conduct and Vows
Sutra text:
大方廣佛華嚴經普賢行願品 宣公上人淺釋
Chanting 唱誦
普賢行願品暨四十二字母(40~42‧Shi-Za, Cha, Ta)
配合 耶魯拼音讀誦本
- 華嚴經

- 法界佛教總會中文網站【線上閲讀】經典淺釋
萬佛聖城 – 華嚴探玄
Chanting 唱誦
Chanting 唱誦
線上閱讀大方廣佛華嚴經 CBETA 電子佛典
CBETA 電子佛典
Dharma Flower Sutra
法華經 |
Dharma Flower Sutra:
Dharma Flower Sutra

線上閱讀妙法蓮華經 CBETA 電子佛典
Sutra on the Lotus Flower of the
Wondrous Dharma, Chapter
25: The Universal
Door Of The Bodhisattva Who Listens To The Sounds Of All The World
Version 1:
Version 2:
- More on the
Calendar page
under the "Gwan Yin Dharma-door"
- 新!
Chanting 唱誦
(To our English readers: This is the Universal Door Chapter led by
the monks of CTTB. Though the chanting is in Chinese, you may
still follow the pin yin in the above PDF file. The verses, which
start about 1/4 into the sound files, are particularly exquisite.)
Chanting 唱誦
rsal Door Chapter Chanting Phổ Môn Phẩm
普門品 唱誦
(Download > unzip > open with Flash Player, Shockwave, or a browser
Chanting 唱誦
法華經 安樂行品第十四 宣公上人淺釋
法華經 藥王菩薩本事品第二十三 宣公上人淺釋
lotus flower, which blooms above the water, represents the transcendence
of emptiness and existence, and represents the Absolute Principle of the
Middle Way in which there is neither falling into emptiness nor going to
the extreme of existence... --Venerable Master Hsuan Hua on
The Lotus
Flower from the CTTB website
Sutra, The Buddha Speaks the Sutra of the Ultimate Extinction of the
Dharma & Shurangama Mantra
佛說法滅盡經、楞嚴咒 |

DRBAdharma's Channel on YouTube: Venerable Master Hsuan Hua on
楞嚴咒 The Shurangama Mantra
The Shurangama Sutra--The Four Clear Instructions on Purity:
The Shurangama Sutra
The Shurangama Sutra with Commentary by Venerable
Master Hsuan Hua
All 8 Volumes:
8 volumes: The
Shurangama Sutra with Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua:
All 8 Volumes
By Volume:
The Shurangama Sutra with
Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: Part 1
The Shurangama Sutra with
Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: Part 2
The Shurangama Sutra with
Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: Part 3
The Shurangama Sutra with
Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: Part 4
The Shurangama Sutra with
Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: Part 5
The Shurangama Sutra with
Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: Part 6
The Shurangama Sutra with
Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: Part 7
The Shurangama Sutra with
Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: Part 8
The Four Clear Instructions on Purity
- About
Manjushi Bodhisattva from the CTTB website

線上閱讀大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 CBETA 電子佛典
* * *
The History of Transmission &
...[Great Master Zhi Yi] was moved to bow to the west in
the hope that he would one day see this Sutra...every day for 18
...[Dharma Master Paramiti] cut open his arm and placed
the small scroll inside his flesh....
Sutra on the Ultimate
Extinction of the Dharma:

...Demonic beings will become
shramanas; they will pervert and destroy my teachings. Monastics will
wear the garb of laypersons and will prefer handsome clothes. Their
precept sashes will be made of multi-colored cloth. They will use
intoxicants, eat meat, kill other beings and they will indulge in their
desire for flavorful food....
...In their turbid confusion
they will fail to separate the men from the women in the monastic
...When the Dharma is about to disappear, women will
become vigorous and will at all times do deeds of virtue. Men will grow
lax and will no longer speak the Dharma....
...Rivers will dry up and the
five grains will not ripen. Pestilences will frequently take millions of
...Extremes of climate will
soon be taken for granted....
《佛說法滅盡經》〔涅槃部〕大正新脩大藏經 第十二冊
Why will they say the Shurangama Sutra is spurious? Because
the Shurangama Sutra tells about all their faults. It
discusses their kinds of deviant knowledge and deviant views....
If there hadn’t been any
Shurangama Mantra in the Shurangama Sutra...there wouldn’t have
been any reason to speak the Sutra....
The Shurangama Sutra
Re: The Five Pungenet Plants
Please note: Asafoetida (commonly known as
"hing", "hingu", "heeng",
"asafetida", etc) is gaining in
popularity. It may be added to so-called
vegetarian dishes to
give a hint of garlic-like
- The 5 pungent plants:
shallots (& onions & scallions),
(hing, hingu, heeng,
Ferula assafoetida, angedan, devil's dung, stinking gum, asant,
food of the gods, giant fennel, ) See:
on Wikipedia

hing, hingu, heeng, asafetida等)在美國已日漸普遍,加在某些標榜素食中,取其近於蒜味但非蒜
五辛:大蒜、韭、大蔥、薤(包括青蔥、洋蔥、紅蔥、小蒜類、藠頭、薙頭、薤白頭、野蒜、蕗藠、藠頭、蕗蕎、蕎頭 、野韭、火蔥)、興渠
...“Which is more beautiful,” the
Buddha asked [Sundarananda], “these monkeys or your wife Sundari?”
of a horse’s belly into the womb of a cow. How many times back and forth
have you passed by Yama’s halls, As you go from Shakra’s palaces down
into Yama’s pot?
Buddha was a deer, the leader of a herd of 500....
出馬腹入牛胎 閻王殿前幾度徊
始從帝釋殿前過 又到閻君鍋裏來
Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Verse on Shurangama Mantra:
Learn Shurangama Mantra


...Great Master Hongren, the Fifth Patriarch...decided to
try to save the people in that city....
A Sure Sign of the Proper Dharma:
How strange! How bizarre....

肉字裏邊兩個人 裏邊罩著外邊人
眾生還吃眾生肉 仔細思量人吃人
come back to eat one another....

The great
golden-winged Peng bird used to eat dragons from the ocean the way
people eat noodles.....
..."You owe
me a life; I have to repay my debt to you." From these causes and
conditions we pass through hundreds of thousands of aeons, in a
sustained cycle of birth and death....
love my mind; I adore your form." From these causes and conditions we
pass through hundreds of thousands of aeons, in a sustained mutual
stealing, and lust are themselves the basic roots. From these causes and
conditions comes the continuity of karmic retribution....
...from this falseness the mountains, the rivers, the great earth, and
all conditioned appearances unfold themselves...
From of old until today, few people have lived
past 70.
First subtract the early years and then the years of age:
Between the two there is not much time that is left at all.
And of that, remember, sleep takes up the better half!
I'll tell another koan [public
record]...King Yama said to him, "I sent you lots of letters...." "I
never got any letters from you," the man protested.
人生七十古來少 先除少年後除老 中間光景不多時
Intelligence is aided by hidden virtue...
Good done hoping others will
notice--it is not true good;
Evil done fearing others will discover--it
is great evil.
Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store
[Ksitigarbha] Bodhisattv
地藏菩薩本願經 |
Store Sutra, Chapter 12: Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing

[mp4] [高品質mpg]
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Derived from Seeing and Hearing 見聞利益品
Văn Lợi Ích Phẩm
- An introduction:
Earth Store Bodhisattva,
Earth Store Recitation Session at CTTB from the CTTB website
- [PDF]
Chanting 唱誦
Earth Store Sutra [htm]
The Sutra Of the Past Vows Of Earth Store
Bodhisattva [PDF]
Earth Store Sutra with commentary by Venerable
Master Hsuan Hua
The Filial Piety Sutra
The Buddha Speaks The Sutra About The
Deep Kindness Of Parents And The Difficulty In Repaying Them
DRBAdharma's Channel by DRBAChinese on YouTube:

地藏菩薩聖像開光法會(1) Inauguration of Ksitigarbha [Earth Store] Bodhisattva
Image (1)
地藏菩薩聖像開光法會(2) Inauguration of Ksitigarbha [Earth Store] Bodhisattva
Image (2)

地藏菩薩 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
- Venerable
Master Hsuan Hua leads the assembly in reciting Namo Di Zang Wang Pu
Sa [Homage to Earth Store King Bodhisattva]:
- Chanting:
Namo Earth Store
Bodhisattva "Namo Di Zang Wang [Earth Store King] Pu Sa" "Namo Da Yuan
[Great Vows] Di Zang Wang Pu Sa"
5 versions download (975KB) "南無大願地藏王菩薩“五個版本下載
>> 《地藏菩薩本願經》經文:上


...that comment caused the
elder’s son to make a vow: 'From now until the end of future
time...I will use expansive expedient
means to help beings in the Six Paths...'
The Brahman
woman is now Earth Store Bodhisattva....
[mp4] [高品質mpg]
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The Story of the Brahman Girl 婆羅門女
Bà La Môn Nữ
king who vowed to keep saving beings who are suffering for their
offenses rather than become a Buddha is Earth Store Bodhisattva.
[mp4] [高品質mpg]
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Story of Two Kings 兩個國王
Lưỡng Cá Quốc Vương |
...13 years from now, I will fall into the evil paths
again. Do you have some way to free me so that I can avoid them? Hurry up and
think of a way...
...The mother of Bright Eyes is now Liberation Bodhisattva. Bright Eyes
herself is now Earth Store Bodhisattva.
[mp4] [高品質mpg]
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Bright-Eyes Rescuing Her Mother 光目救母
Quang Mục Cứu Mẫu
Story: Dongyong
Upon his
mom's death, Dongan blew his top, "When my mom was alive, I shied away
from fights with you to keep her from worrying. Now you've done her in."
Story: Guoju
Burying His Baby
Sure, the parents can move into retirement
homes and will have the government as their support system, but there is no
kindred affection to speak of. They are left on their own, almost like they are
all alone with no one to rely on. It would be best for children to show
filial devotion and care for their own parents, allowing them peace of mind in
the waning years of their lives...
...It is especially efficacious if humans can be filial to
their parents. How is that so?
retribution incurred by those who burn and destroy images of the Buddha,
dismantle temples or ruin stupas is similar.
During the
reign of Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty, there was a Dhyana Master
named Zhi Gong who ate two pigeons every day. The cook figured that the
birds must be delicious, and one day tasted a wing on the sly...
To those who net and trap young animals,
such as newborn or baby fish, sparrows, and
other creatures.... Do things like this and in future lives you
will separate from your family. You encounter situations where you
cannot be together. You may have to go far away from your hometown so
that not everyone can see each other. This is the retribution of being
apart from your kin. ...to those who
scald, burn, behead, maim, or otherwise harm beings, he,
Earth Store Bodhisattva, says that
undergoing the very same suffering will be the retribution.
...To those who use backbiting to cause
divisions, gossip, contention, and
discord among others, he says that being tongueless or having speech
impediments or being sparrows
will be the retribution.
The Names of Hells
Earth Store Sutra, Chapter 5:

Depending on the offenses created, a certain type of
hell occurs in the hells. A hell that
is realized by the offenses you accumulate is quite an ingenious and
inconceivable situation. This is why hells have names but no tangible
substance; a hell appears when it is time for one to face one’s
Benefiting the Living and the Dead
Earth Store Sutra, Chapter 7:

...they can receive one-seventh
of any merit dedicated to them by relatives who do good deeds on their
behalf. The other six-sevenths of the merit will return to the living
relatives who did the good deeds.
[mp4] [高品質mpg]
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the Living and the Dead 生死利益
Sanh Tử Lợi Ích
The Vajra Sutra
金剛經 |
The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra:
- [PDF]

線上閱讀金剛波若波羅蜜經 CBETA 電子佛典
The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra
The Heart Sutra with verses and commentary by
Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
般若波羅蜜多心經非臺頌解 |
The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra
The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra with
Verses Without a Stand and Prose Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan
Heart of Pajna Paramita Sutra with Verses Without a Stand and Prose
Commentary by Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
The Heart Sutra with verses and commentary by Venerable
Master Hsuan Hua:

般若波羅蜜多心經非臺頌解 宣公上人講述
...A mantra is also something inconceivable. It has four
meanings...When you recite the Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra, you go
step by step by step from the ground of the common person to the ground
of Buddhahood, the fruition of enlightenment....
Prajna Paramita
Mantra: "Gate gate
paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha"
5 versions download (197KB)
The Sutra in 42 Sections Spoken by the Buddha
佛說四十二章經 |
The Sutra in 42 Sections:
Section 4: Clarifying Good & Evil
...the Buddha's sayings were put together to make one
sutra. The 42 sections are the 42 selections of the anthology.
This was the first sutra to be transmitted to China....
--Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Read Audio
The Sutra in Forty-two Sections with Commentary by Venerable Master
Hsuan Hua

線上閱讀四十二章經 CBETA 電子佛典
The Shastra on the
Door to
Understanding the Hundred Dharmas
Composed by Vasubandhu Bodhisattva
大乘百法明門論 天親菩薩造 |
The Shastra on the
Door to Understanding the Hundred Dharmas Composed by Vasubandhu
by the Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
大乘百法明門論淺釋 宣公上人講述於美國加州三藩市佛教講堂 一九七○年五月十七日至六月七日
Song of Enlightenment by Great Master Yung Chia
永嘉大師證道歌 |
Song of Enlightenment by Great Master Yung Chia
after being certified by the Sixth Patriarch:
Speaking of Song of Enlightenment, right from the
time I first studied the Buddhadharma, I have been very fond of it, and
learned it until I could recite from memory--so fond of it that I made
it [the topic of] my third gift of Dharma [lectures] after I arrived in
the United State.
--Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

Talks by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: The
True Meaning of Taking Refuge & Why Should We Receive and Uphold the
Five Precepts?
宣公上人開示:皈依的真義、爲什麽要受持五戒? |
The True Meaning of Taking Refuge
Why Should We Receive and
Uphold the Five Precepts?

Chanting 唱誦 [wma]
00:12:44 8.83MB
Repentance Verse, Dharma Master Heng Sure, 06-15-1995
懺悔偈 恒實法師 一九九五年六月十五日
For all the bad karma I created in
the past,
Based upon beginningless greed,
hatred, and ignorance,
and born of body, mouth, and mind,
I now repent and reform
before the Buddhas.
Romanization: (3 times for this entire section)
wang syi swo dzau ju e ye
yo wu shr tan chen chr
tsung shen yu yi jr swo
dwei fwo chyan chyou chan hwei
pin yin:
(3 times for this entire section)
wang xi suo zao zhu e ye
you wu shi tan chen chi
cong shen yu yi zhi suo
dui fo qian qiu chan hui
Chanting 唱誦
[wma] 00:08:48 6:10 MB
Four Limitless Vows,
Dharma Master Heng Sure, 06-15-1995
四弘誓願 恒實法師 一九九五年六月十五日
beings are limitless; I vow to cross them over.
Afflictions are inexhaustible; I vow to cut them off.
Dharma-doors are immeasurable; I vow to learn them.
Buddha-path is unsurpassed, i vow to realize it.
Romanization: (3 times for this entire section)
jung sheng wu byan shr ywan
nau wu jin shr ywan dwan
men wu lyang shr ywan sywe
dau wu shang shr ywan cheng
pin yin:
(3 times for this entire section)
zhong sheng wu bian shi yuan
nao wu jin shi yuan duan
men wu liang shi yuan xue
dao wu shang shi yuan cheng
Living Beings are Boundless; I Vow to Save Them All --Talks on
Dharma by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
fear causes; living beings fear effects" ..."Plant more peach and
plum trees, and fewer thorn bushes"...What is the golden future?
..."To the west of here, passing a hundred thousand million
Buddha-lands, is a land called Ultimate Bliss"....
The Ten Dharma Realms Are Not Beyond a Single
Thought by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
宣公上人作:十法界不離一念心 |
...On virtuous deeds you rise;
Offenses make you fall...
The 10 Dharma Realms Are Not Beyond a
Single Thought--The Dharma Realm of People:

Where do the Ten Dharma Realms come from? From the single
thought which is right now in your mind. All of these ten realms—a
single thought— Are not apart from your present thought.
If you can awaken to that thought,
if you can understand it, you'll arrive immediately at the other shore.
The other shore is enlightenment. When you become enlightened, you are
no longer confused. When ignorance is smashed and the Dharma-body
appears, you arrive at the other shore. This is Mahaprajnaparamita
[Great Wisdom Arriving at the Other Shore].
...Therefore, as a human being, you will yourself into
becoming a ghost, a Buddha, a person, or an animal--depending on which
path your mind is headed.
Do not take this book The Ten Dharma Realms Are Not
Beyond a Single Thought lightly. A thousand years from now, there
might be many people who become enlightened from reading this book....
Read Audio

...A verse describes the Chinese
character for “mind” (xin):
Three dots spread out like stars,
A hook resembles the crescent moon:
Fur-clad creatures come from this;
Buddhas also begin from here.
The character for “mind” has three dots like stars in the sky. Below is
a hook that resembles a crescent moon on the third of the lunar month.
It also looks like an ivory tusk. Fur-clad creatures such as horses and
cows all come from the mind. Buddhas are also created from the mind.
When you cultivate and realize Buddhahood, you do so by means of the
mind. That’s why we say, “The Ten Dharma Realms are not beyond a single
thought.” You wind up wherever you want to go. Our minds are suddenly up
in the heavens, suddenly on earth, suddenly in a Buddha’s land, suddenly
back in the human realm. The mind is like a tiny dust mote bobbing up
and down in the air.
Mencius remarked, “When people’s chickens or dogs stray off, they
realize that they should look for them. But when their mind strays off,
they do not even realize that they should look for it. How sad!” Aren’t
people pathetic? If they lose their chickens or dogs, they go everywhere
looking for them. But when their mind wanders off, they don’t know to
retrieve their lost mind. Wouldn’t you say they are pitiable?
Confucius also said of the mind:
“If you keep it under control, it stays with you.
But once you let it go, then it’s lost.
It comes and goes at random.
Who knows where it wanders?”
If you have a firm grasp over your mind, and you watch over and guard
it, then it’s there. If you constantly look into, “Who’s mindful of the
Buddha?” then your mind won’t run away. It will stay put. But once you
let it go, once you forget to ask, “Who’s mindful of the Buddha?” it
runs away. It will think, “Hmm…I wonder what movie is showing at the
movie theater.” Or, “Today there were riots in the streets.” Or, “Today
there were many accidents on the highway.” The mind gets involved in all
kinds of trivial, idle thoughts; it has run off. Once you relax your
hold over it, the mind runs off like a horse on loose reins. On the
other hand, if you pull in the reins, then the horse won’t run off.
“It comes and goes
at random.” You never know when the mind will run off or come back. It
doesn’t say goodbye when it runs off, and it doesn’t report when it
returns. It doesn’t keep a record of its wanderings. Someone says, “Hey,
that’s just the way I am!” In that case, you are the mind. “Who knows
where it wanders?” No one knows where it’s headed.
Flower Adornment Sutra, The
Wondrous Adornments of the Rulers of the Worlds, Chapter One,
Part Two, with Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
占察善惡業報經 |
New! If
you care to know of the causes from past lives...

眾善奉行 |
莫道群生性命微 一般骨肉一般皮
勸君莫打枝頭鳥 子在巢中望母歸
Recalling Former Causes
憶前因偈頌 |
Upon recognizing someone at first sight...the
revolving wheel of rebirth has no bottom or end...
Recall Former

The Ultimate Meaning of the Middle Way
吾道一以貫之 |
Too tight, and it'll break. Too slack, and it'll be
Neither tight nor slack,
and it will turn out right.
In cultivation, don't be afraid to go
Just be afraid of standing still.
bitterness ends, sweetness comes.
The moon appears in the waters of a
pure heart;
There are no clouds in the sky of a
calm mind.
True wealth
is stopping the mind and cutting off thought:
True fields
of blessings are devoid of all selfish desires.
Moon Over West River
西江月 |
...Fame and honor a mere wisp of drifting
Moon Over
West River:

...becoming enlightened
is returning to one’s own home, rediscovering one’s inherent
scenery. It
doesn’t come from outside. I am only explaining the principles to you.
Whether or not you bring forth the resolve is up to you. --Listen
to Yourself: Think Everything Over,
Volume Two:
The Story of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun's [Empty Cloud] Enlightenment
...Once your thoughts arise, they can control your body.
These false thoughts that you have drive your body, but your body is not
your thoughts. Since your body is not the same as your thoughts, since
the body and the mind are not the same sort of thing, why are they aware
of each other? Why is it that your body follows your thoughts and
engages in every sort of grasping at objects? Why is it that when you
give rise to a thought, your body acts accordingly?
...The Prajna Sutra of the Humane King Who Protects His
Country says that there are ninety kshanas in a single thought. A kshana
is an extremely short period of time. And yet within one kshana there
are nine hundred births and deaths, that is, nine hundred productions
and destructions. Thus it is said,
When not a single thought arises,
the entire substance manifests.
When the six sense faculties suddenly move,
one is covered by clouds.
If you could keep from having a single thought, the entire substance
would manifest. What entire substance? The great function of the entire
substance, the treasury of the Tathagata.
It is your inherent family treasure; it is the
of your homeland; it is your
face. --The
Shurangama Sutra, Volume 8
True emptiness does not obstruct wonderful existence,
Wonderful existence
does not obstruct true emptiness.
True emptiness isn’t empty;
Wonderful existence
doesn’t exist.
Because true emptiness
isn’t empty,
it is therefore called wonderful existence;
Wonderful existence
doesn’t exist, and so
it’s called true
people seek outside and so they lose the fundamental, intrinsic
Buddha-nature; they lose the
of their mind ground and their inherent treasures. --Listen
to Yourself: Think Everything Over, Volume Two:
The Stew in the Pot...
千百年來碗裏羹 |
The Stew in the Pot:
For 100s of 1,000s of years
If you wish to know why there are
calamities & wars in the world....

Six-Character Great Bright Mantra:
Om Mani Padme Hum
Lục Tự Đại Minh Chú
六字大明咒 - 晻嘛呢叭[口彌]吽 |
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Chan Verses by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
宣公上人作:禪七偈頌 |
Chan Meditation Verses by Venerable Master Hsuan

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