Original Teacher: Shakyamuni Buddha
1st Patriarch:
The Venerable Mahakashyapa
Shakyamuni Buddha, in the midst of the millions of humans
and gods who were circumambulating him, picked up a flower and
Mahakashyapa, the First Patriarch, had to smile. No one knew what
was happening when Shakyamuni Buddha said,
"I have the Right Dharma Eye Treasury, the wonderful
mind of Nirvana, the real mark, which is unmarked. This is the
mind-to-mind transmission, transmitted outside the teaching. I have
already given it to Mahakashyapa in mind-to-mind transmission."
Ven. Master Hua's Commentary to The Sixth Patriarch
Sutra, Chapter Ten: Final Instructions
2nd Patriarch: the Ven. Ananda |
3rd Patriarch: the Ven. Sanakavasa |
4th Patriarch: the Ven. Upagupta |
5th Patriarch: the Ven. Dhrtaka |
6th Patriarch: the Ven. Miccaka |
7th Patriarch: the Ven. Vasumitra |
8th Patriarch: the Ven. Buddhanandi |
9th Patriarch: the Ven. Buddhamitra |
10th Patriarch: the Ven. Parshva |
11th Patriarch: the Ven. Punyayashas |
12th Patriarch: Mahasattva Ashvaghosha |
13th Patriarch: the Ven. Kapinala |
14th Patriarch: Mahasattva Nagarjuna |
15th Patriarch: the Ven. Kanadeva |
16th Patriarch: the Ven. Rahulata |
17th Patriarch: the Ven. Sanghanandi |
18th Patriarch: the Ven. Gayashata |
19th Patriarch: the Ven. Kumarata |
20th Patriarch: the Ven. Jayata |
21st Patriarch: the Ven. Vasubandhu |
22nd Patriarch: the Ven. Manorhita |
23rd Patriarch: the Ven. Haklena |
24th Patriarch: the Ven. Aryasimha |
25th Patriarch: the Ven. Basiasita |
26th Patriarch: the Ven. Punyamitra |
27th Patriarch: the Ven. Prajnatara |
- 28th Patriarch & 1st Patriarch in China: the Venerable Bodhidharma

- The First Patriarch Bodhidharma brought the Dharma to China...

- A lively account of the stories and teachings of the first six
Patriarchs by Ven. Master Hua:

Song of Enlightenment: by Great Master Yung Chia after being certified by the Sixth Patriarch:

- 29th Patriarch & 2nd Patriarch in China: Great Master Hui
- 30th Patriarch & 3rd Patriarch in China: Great Master Seng

- 31st Patriarch & 4th Patriarch in China: Great Master Tao Hsin

- 32nd Patriarch & 5th Patriarch in China: Great Master Hung Jen

- 33rd Patriarch & 6th Patriarch in China: Great Master Hui
- "For 37 years he spoke Dharma to benefit sentient beings.
Forty-three people inherited his Dharma, and an uncountable number awoke
to the Way...." --The Sixth
Patriarch Sutra

- 34th Patriarch: Dhyana Master Huai Rang of Mount Nan

(Please note: this list focuses only on the lineage of Wei Yang Sect.)

再增訂佛祖道影 |
- 35th Patriarch: Dhyana Master Ma Zhu Dao Yi

- 36th Patriarch: Dhyana Master Bai Zhang Huai Hai

Wei Yang Sect
also be pronounced: "Gwei Yang"] |
- 1st Generation of Wei Yang Sect:
- Dhyana Master Ling Yo of Mount Wei
2nd Gen. of Wei Yang Sect: Dhyana Master Hui Ji of Mount Yang
3rd Gen. of Wei Yang Sect: Dhyana Master Xi Ta Guang Mu |
4th Gen. of Wei Yang Sect: Dhyana Master Zi Fu Ru Bao |
5th Gen. of Wei Yang Sect: Dhyana Master Bao Ci De Shao |
6th Gen. of Wei Yang Sect: Dhyana Master San Jiao Zhi Qian |
7th Gen. of Wei Yang Sect: Dhyana Master Xing Yang Ci Duo
8th Gen. of Wei Yang Sect: Dhyana Master De Qing Hsu Yun
9th Gen. of Wei Yang
Sect: Dhyana Master Husan Hua Du Lun |

In 1956, Dhyana Master Du Lun, at the age of 39, received the Dharma-transmission of Venerable
Master Hsu Yun and the Dharma name "Hsuan Hua", becoming the Ninth Patriarch
of the Wei Yang Sect, the 45th Generation since First Patriarch Mahakashyapa.
Verse in Expression of Faith from Dhyana Master Hus Yun:
Proclaiming [Hsuan] Wei's
wonderful meaning causes the sect's teaching to be echoed far and wide;
The transformations [Hua] inherited from Ling Peak exalt the Dharma Path.
Taking Across [Du]
the forty-sixth, the mind seal is transmitted;
The Wheel [Lun] revolves unceasingly,
Rescuing the suffering hordes.
- "Year of the Buddha" 2983, the year Bingshen
- Written by De Qing Hsu Yun, the Eighth Generation of
the Wei Yang,
- at the Dharma Lecture Hall of Zhenru [True Suchness]
Chan Monastery