

When disciples of the Buddha have walked the Path, in a future age they will become Buddhas.  --The Dharma Flower Sutra, Chapter 2:  Expedient Devices

佛子行道已 來世得作佛  --妙法蓮華經 方便品第二



Namo Amitofo  Namo Amitofo  Namo Amitofo

南無阿彌陀佛   南無阿彌陀佛   南無阿彌陀佛


- Calendar of Events 長堤法會時間表


- Learn Great Compassion Mantra!  Your online tools...

- Learn Great Compassion Repentance!  Your online tools...

- 學會大悲咒--您的線上工具...

- 學會大悲懺--您的線上工具...


- Eradicating Disasters Auspicious Spirit Mantra 消災吉祥神咒


- The Gwan Yin Dharma-door 觀音法門

- Fish-Basket Gwan Yin 「魚籃觀音」的故事

- Gwan Yin Bodhisattva 觀音菩薩

- Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's perfect penetration 觀音菩薩耳根圓通

- Universal Door Chapter 普門品

- 3-Day Amitabha Session & 8 Precepts 佛三八關齋戒

- Reciting Earth Store Bodhisattva's Name Sincerely Can Eradicate Karmic Obstacles 誠念地藏菩薩超業障  



Audio: Chan 普門品有聲書
Audio: Shurangama Sutra 楞嚴經有聲書
Audio: The Sutra in 42 Sections 四十二章經有聲書
Audiobooks 有聲書
Daily Recitations早晚課
On Death & Dying 臨終法要


Amitabha Buddha Recitation持名念佛
Cherishing Life護生放生
On Death & Dying 臨終法要
Shurangama Mantra學會楞嚴咒
The Five Schools五宗並進
The Precepts戒律


Ven. Hsu Yun虛雲老和尚
Ven. Hsuan Hua宣公上人


Veggie Recipes淨素食譜



Long Beach Sagely Monastery:

- Monthly Calendars of Events

- An Introduction:  Weekly & Monthly Evemts

- An Introduction Annual Events

- Archives:  Past Events



- 每月法會時間表

- 介紹:每週或每月一次的法會

- 介紹年度法會

- 存檔:其他、過往法會


LBSM's Monthly Calendars of Events


Click on the events in the calendar below for details and more options:

- View this calendar in a new browser tab

- To add this calendar to your Google Calendar, click on "+ Google Calendar"

-  To add it to other types of calendars (iCal, Yahoo!) with their "+" or "subscribe" option, copy and paste:



- 另開視窗瀏覽

- 將此法會時間表加入您的Google日曆:點選右下角“+Google日曆"

- 加入其他的行事 (iCal, 雅虎奇摩)中的“+”或“訂閱”,貼上:



 An Introduction:  LBSM's Weekly & Monthly Events:

- Great Compassion Repentance

- The Gwan Yin Dharma-door

- The Repentance Dharma-door

- Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Recorded Commentary on

Avatamsaka [Flower Adornment] Sutra

- The Pure Land Dharma-door

- Shurangama Mantra

- Om Mani Padme Hum

- The Repentance Text

- Meal Offering Ceremony & Vegetarian Meal




- 大悲懺

- 觀音法門

- 懺悔法門

- 恭聼 宣公上人華嚴經淺釋錄音

- 淨土法門

- 誦咒:楞嚴咒

- 誦咒:六字大明咒 - 唵嘛呢叭[] Lục Tự Đại Minh Chú

- 懺悔文

- 上供午齋

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Press "CRTL" + "0" to reset size. 



"CTRL"  "+"同按放大

"CTRL" 和 "-"縮小

"CRTL" "0" 還原


Sundays, 12:30-02:00 PM: Great Compassion Repentance

長堤每週日下午12:30-02:00 禮拜大悲懺


- Gwan Shr Yin [Contemplator of the Worlds' Sounds] [Avalokiteshvara] Bodhisattva spoke the Great Compassion Mantra so that "all sentient beings might have peace and happiness, be rid of all sicknesses...leave far behind all fears...have all their various wishes quickly fulfilled."


- The former Tathagata Light of Proper Dharma is the present Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva....

LBSM's Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony 

*  *  *

This first section is in English.  For Chinese, please scroll down to the next section. 



大悲咒 The Great Compassion Mantra

- DRBAdharma's Channel by DRBAChinese (with English subtitles) on YouTube: Venerable Master Hsuan Hua on:

大悲咒 The Great Compassion Mantra (with English subtitles)

*  *  *

...he saw the glint of a butcher's shiny blade flash in the moonlight. "Someone means to kill me," he thought, paralyzed with fear....

The merit and virtue of the Great Compassion Mantra is inconceivable. It is not easy for a person who lacks considerable good roots to even hear the three words "Great Compassion Mantra" easily......





- About Gwan Yin Bodhisattva from the CTTB website

*  *  *

- Learn Great Compassion Mantra!  Your online tools:

- Great Compassion Mantra: These links have now been fixed:  Audio [Streaming]  Audio [MP3]

- Great Compassion Mantra (pin yin) [PDF]

- Great Compassion Mantra Verses by Ven. Master Hsuan Hua

- YouTube:  

-  Great Compassion Mantra

*  *  *

- Learn Great Compassion Repentance!  Your online tools:

You may choose method 1  (Download > unzip > open with Flash Player, Shockwave, or a browser) or method 2 by following the audio file with the PDF file.

1) Using Flash Player, Shockwave, or a browser >> 

The Dharma of Repentance of the Great Compassion with a Thousand Hands and a Thousand EyesThiên Thủ Thiên Nhãn Đại Bi Sám Pháp 千手千眼大悲懺 法

2) Using the audio file and text file together:

 - These links have now been fixed:  Audio [Streaming]  Audio [MP3]

- Great Compassion Repentance text [PDF]

* The text of Great Compassion Repentance is published as a single copy and is also included in the CTTB Daily Recitation Handbook, both of which are available from your local branch monastery or online from or

*  *  *

以下為中文 (The following section is in Chinese.)


大悲咒 The Great Compassion Mantra

- 大悲咒 The Great Compassion Mantra -- 法總中文網站在YouTube的頻道-宣公上人開示(英文字幕)

*  *  *






- 千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經淺釋

*  *  *


- 學會大悲咒--您的線上工具

- : 連綫已修補: [直播]  [MP3下載]

- 大悲咒(拼音)[PDF]


- YouTube:  

- 大悲咒

*  *  *

- 學會大悲懺--您的線上工具

您可選擇兩種方式:1)下載解壓Flash PlayerShockwave或瀏覽器播放,或2)點選唱誦檔,配合下列的文字檔。

1) 下載壓縮檔,然後以Flash Player, Shockwave 或任何browser播放 >> The Dharma of Repentance of the Great Compassion with a Thousand Hands and a Thousand EyesThiên Thủ Thiên Nhãn Đại Bi Sám Pháp 千手千眼大悲懺法


2) 點選唱誦檔,配合文字檔:


- :連綫已修補: [直播] [MP3下載]


- 大悲懺 [PDF]

* (法緫中文)or (臺灣法界)


The Gwan Yin Dharma-door



Manifesting the Universal Door,

A Vessel of Kindness Sailing the Sea of Suffering

普門示現 苦海慈航


Bodhisattva Gwan Yin is wonderful

  beyond gratitude;

Pure and clear are her adornments,

  gained through practice ages long.

Sea-vast a red lotus flower fragrant

  rests beneath her foot;

Bay-curve of an autumn moon

  is in the crescent of her brows.

Everywhere and constantly,

  Sweet dew sprinkles from her vase;

In her hand, the willow branch,

  Through the countless autumns.

Prayers depart a thousand hearts;

  In a thousand hearts she answers.

Sailing the sea of suffering,

  Crossing people over.

-- Gwan Yin Praise


觀音菩薩妙難酬 清淨莊嚴累劫修

浩浩紅蓮安足下 灣灣秋月鎖眉頭

瓶中甘露常遍灑 手内楊枝不計秋

千處祈求千處應 苦海常作度人舟

-- 觀音讚

Gwan Yin Bodhisattva 觀音菩薩:


The Story of Fish-Basket Gwan Yin 「魚籃觀音」的故


The Shurangama Sutra:  Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's perfect penetration by means of the organ of the ear, the 32 response bodies, 14 fearlessnesses, and 4 inconceivables:




- About Gwan Yin Bodhisattva from the CTTB website

- Dharma talks by Ven. Master Hsuan Hua

- Her Universal Door Rescues All

- Wonderful Sound, Kuan Shih Yin

- Recite Guanyin's Name to Save Those Who Are Suffering

- Gwan Yin Session from CTTB's website

-  Read  Audio:  Universal Door Chapter


Sutra on the Lotus Flower of the Wondrous Dharma, Chapter 25:  The Universal Door Of The Bodhisattva Who Listens To The Sounds Of All The World

Version 1:

Version 2:

- [PDF]


-   Chanting 唱誦 觀世音菩薩普門品(男眾法師領眾)直播m3ump3下載 (To our English readers:  This is the Universal Door Chapter led by the monks of CTTB.  Though the chanting is in Chinese, you may still follow the pin yin in the above PDF file.  The verses, which start about 1/4 into the sound files, are particularly exquisite.)


-   Chanting 唱誦 Universal Door Chapter Chanting Phổ Môn Phẩm  普門品   唱誦 (Download > unzip > open with Flash Player, Shockwave, or a browser 下載解壓Flash PlayerShockwave或瀏覽器播放)


Chanting 唱誦 法總中文網站【線上聆聽】觀世音菩薩普門品七字觀音聖號五字觀音聖號


- Chanting 唱誦 Recitation of "Namo Gwan Shr Yin Pu Sa" [MP3] from CTTB's Audio page 誦觀音菩薩聖號


- Chanting 唱誦 Namo Avalokiteshvra Bodhisattva "Namo Gwan Shi Yin Pu Sa" [MP3] 12 versions download (2.88MB) "南無觀世音菩薩"十二個版本下載


- 妙法蓮華經宣公上人淺釋



The Repentance Dharma-door


I repent of and reform every offense,

Compliantly rejoice in all blessings,

Seek the Buddhas' merit and virtue, and

Vow to accomplish the Unsurpassed Wisdom. 

--Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance Ceremony


For all the bad karma I created in the past,

Based upon beginningless greed, hatred, and ignorance,

and born of body, mouth, and mind,

I now repent and reform.


Offenses arise from the mind; repentance is by the mind.

If the mid is extinguished, offenses are forgotten.

The mind forgotten, offenses extinguished--both are empty.

This is called true repentance and reform. 

--The Repentance Verse


眾罪皆懺悔  諸福盡隨喜

及請佛功德  願成無上智



往昔所造諸惡業  皆由無始貪瞋癡

從身語意之所生  一切我今皆懺悔


罪從心起將心懺  心若滅時罪亦忘

心忘罪滅兩俱空  是則名為真懺悔



The Pure Land Dharma-door


>> See our Amitabha Buddha Recitation page for more 詳見持名念佛網頁


Listening to Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's recorded commentary on Avatamsaka [Flower Adornment] Sutra

恭聼 宣公上人華嚴經淺釋錄音

Avatamsaka:  I will be a good doctor for the sick and suffering... Preface to Avatamsaka:  Truth and falseness interlink and mingle...

>> ! 萬佛聖城 – 華嚴探玄 網站

>> See our LBSM Posters page for more on Avatamsaka Sutra 詳見長堤海報網頁關於華嚴經




Mantra Recitation:  Shurangama Mantra


>> Learn Shurangama Mantra

   - Your online tools:  YouTube, audios, texts, koan stories.... 

>> LBSM Posters

   - The Shurangama Sutra, stories...

>> 學會楞嚴咒

   - 您的缐上工具YouTube、影音檔、文字檔、公案故事.... 

>> 長堤海報

   - 楞嚴經、故事.... 


Mantra Recitation:  The Six-Syllable Great Bright Mantra--Om Mani Padme Hum

Lục Tự Đại Minh Chú

誦咒:六字大明咒 - 唵嘛呢叭[]

Om Mani Padme Hum

- Read: Om Mani Padme Hum:  The Six-Syllable Great Bright Mantra explained by Ven. Master Hsuan Hua


- Ven. Master Hsuan Hua recites Om Mani Padme Hum:   Audio [Streaming] or Audio [MP3]


- Ven. Master Hsuan Hua leads the assembly in reciting Om Mani Padme Hum: Audio [Streaming] or Audio [MP3]


>> Audio Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ--Six-Character Great Bright Mantra  Lục Tự Đại Minh Chú 六字大明咒 (several versions)


- Om Mani Padme Hum [MP3] 7 versions download (1.91MB)六六字大明咒:晻嘛呢叭彌吽七個個版本下載


- 晻嘛呢叭彌吽--宣公上人講述於一九七一年


- 宣公上人念六字大明咒 缐上聆聽 [直播] 或  缐上聆聽 [MP3下載]

- 宣公上人領眾誦六字大明咒 缐上聆聽 [直播] 或  缐上聆聽 [MP3下載]


>> 缐上聆聽 Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ--Six-Character Great Bright Mantra  Lục Tự Đại Minh Chú 六字大明咒 (多種版本)


The Repetance Text


*  *  *

This first section is in English.  For Chinese, please scroll down to the next section. 


I, disciple, as well as others in this assembly,

From beginningless time [time without beginning]*

To this present life,

Have slandered and disrupted the Triple Jewel.


Acting as an Icchantika*,

I have derided the Great Vehicle* Sutras,

Cut off the study of Prajna*,

Killed my father and mother,


And shed the Buddhas' blood.

I have defiled the Sangharama*,

Destroyed the Pure Conduct of others,

Burned and damaged stupas and temples,


And stolen the Sangha's* property.

Thus giving in to deviant views,

I have denied cause and effect.

I have been intimate with evil companions,


And opposed good teachers.

Not only have I engaged in these deeds myself, but I have also taught others to do them,

And furthermore, have gladly complied when I saw or heard them being done.

All such offenses


Are limitless and boundless.

And so on this day, I bring forth

Great shame and remorse,

Honestly and sincerely confessing them.


I humbly seek to repent and reform.

I only hope that the Triple Jewel*

Will compassionately gather me in,

And emit a pure light


To illumine my person,

So that the myriad evils will be eradicated,

And the Three Obstacles* dispelled.

May I regain the source of my original mind


And attain ultimate purity!


Namo Maha Universal Worthy King Bodhisattva Mahasattva [Homage to Universal Worthy King, Bodhisattva, Great Being]!



*Beginningless Time [Time without Beginning]:

Living beings are born without a beginning, and die without an end. Without beginning and without end, they transmigrate, revolving in birth and death. Living beings revolve and turn in this beginningless and endless transmigration like dust motes: suddenly up in the heavens, suddenly down on the earth. Just as suddenly they are born as hungry ghosts, or humans, or animals, or hell-dwellers, or asuras. Ah! There is no time at which it all begins, and no time when it ends. It is only when you realize the fruition and become a Buddha that you stop transmigrating in birth and death. Before you become a Buddha, you keep revolving in transmigration. It is said, "Even Bodhisattvas get confused after having gone through rebirth; even Arhats* become muddled after having dwelt in the womb." Even if you are a Great Knight of the Dharma body [a Bodhisattva] manifesting in this world, sometimes you may be confused by the current of birth and death and not know how to stop it.

Our birth and death, being born and dying, dying and being born again, is birth and death on a great scale. We also have birth and death on a small scale. There is the day we are born. Although we are born, we will have to die. The day of our death is already set the day we are born. Therefore, our life is birth and death on a great scale. Each passing year brings the death of that year. Thus if we are born one day, we will have to die one day, because once there is birth, there is death. If there is no birth, then there is no death.

As to the "beginningless," most people explain it as there being no beginning and no end. It refers to time without beginning; it started at a kalpa [eon] in the beginningless past, and goes to a kalpa in the endless future. What is without a beginning anyway? And what is without an end? This refers to something we all recognize; in English it is called zero...This O has no beginning and no end. It is the Absolute, without beginning or end. The beginningless is just the O. If you cut this O open, it becomes a " 一" (the Chinese character for 'one'). This is the beginning. Once there is a one, there is also a two: when you add one to one, that is two. Adding another one makes three, and adding more ones makes four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. From ten, a hundred is produced, and a hundred brings forth a thousand, a thousand transforms into ten thousand, ten thousand further transforms into one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, and a thousand million, up to infinity. That is the beginning of numbers....

Where would you say all these living beings that have appeared since beginningless kalpas [eons] come from? Let's investigate. Take human beings, for example. Did man exist before woman, or woman before man? If you say man appeared before woman, then without a woman how could there be any men? If you say woman appeared before man, then without a man how could there be any women? This is the "beginningless"--we don't know where it started....

Zero: The Great Bright Store of Your Own Nature.  Lectures by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua



*Icchantika definition: An icchantika is one who has cut off all good roots, and it was considered impossible for such a person to realize Buddhahood.

Icchantika is a Sanskrit word which is interpreted to mean “insufficient faith.” Icchantikas are those whose faith is deficient, and a deficiency of faith is the same as no faith at all. Icchantikas are also said to be those who have “burned up their good roots.” What is left once their good roots are burned up? Bad roots.

- The Shurangama Sutra, Volume 1.  A Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


Therefore, the statement that icchantikas don’t become Buddhas was simply reproach and acclaim for the current time. It put icchantikas down with the intention of rousing them to repent and reform since they would think, “Oh, I’m an icchantika, with insufficient faith, so I can’t become a Buddha. Well then, I won’t be an icchantika anymore! I’ll start believing.” They change, and no longer are icchantikas. Or there are Bodhisattvas on the point of retreating from their Great Vehicle resolve. But as soon as they hear the Buddha say that living beings with insufficient faith, icchantikas, Fixed-Nature Sound Hearers, can’t become Buddhas, they don’t retreat from their resolve after all. “Reproach” is causing the icchantikas themselves to repent and reform, and “acclaim” is getting the Bodhisattvas to keep bringing forth the Great Vehicle resolve for Bodhi [enlightenment] It’s the method of either commending them for being good, or censuring them for being wrong.

- The Flower Adornment Sutra, Prologue.  A Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

*The Great Vehicle:  The Mahayana  >> Mahayana and Hinayana Compared


*Prajna:  Wisdom



The Sangharama is a still, pure place; in other words, any bodhimandala or temple. No one should be indulgent or unruly by engaging in sexual activity at any Sangharama, or any place where there is a Buddha image.

- Earth Store Sutra, Chapter3 : Contemplating the Karmic Conditions of Beings.  A Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

*The Triple Jewel: 

The Buddha knew it would be difficult for people to follow his teachings on their own, so he established the Three Refuges for them to rely on....  Buddhists take refuge in and rely on the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. These are known as the Triple Jewel. The Sangha are the monks and nuns. They live in monasteries and carry on the Buddha's teaching. The word Sangha means 'harmonious community'. The Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha together possess qualities that are precious like jewels and can lead one to enlightenment.

- Introduction to Buddhism

*The Three Obstacles:

What can the Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra do? Its function is to cleanse away the three obstacles: the retribution-obstacle, the activity-obstacle, and the affliction-obstacle.  Of retribution-obstacles, the first of the three obstacles, there are two kinds: dependent retribution and primary retribution....

- The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra, with Verses and Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

*  *  *

以下為中文 (The following section is in Chinese.)




弟子眾等 從於無始 以至今生 毀壞三寶

作一闡提 謗大乘經 斷學般若 弑害父母

出佛身血 污僧伽藍 破他梵行 焚毀塔寺

盜用僧物 起諸邪見 撥無因果 狎近惡友

違背良師 自作教他 見聞隨喜 如是等罪

無量無邊 故於今日 生大慚愧 克誠披露

求哀懺悔 惟願三寶 慈悲攝受 放淨光明

照觸我身 諸惡消滅 三障蠲除 復本心源







Meal Offering Ceremony & Vegetarian Meal


>>Veggie Recipes 



 An Introduction:  LBSM's Annual Events:


- New Year Mantra Recitatio

- Lunar New Year Mantra Recitationn

- Celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Birthday

- Bathing the Baby Buddha Ceremony in Celebration of

 Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthda

- Mantra Recitation for the Welfare of the Nationy

- Celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Enlightenment Day

- Celebration of Ullambana

- Celebration of Earth Store Bodhisattva's Birthday

- Celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Leaving Home Day

- Medicine Master Buddha's Birthdays

- Three-day Amitabha Session

- Emperor Liang's Jeweled Repentance

- Celebration of Amitabha Buddha's Birthday


一覽:長堤聖寺法 會


- 護國息災法會

- 慶祝觀音菩薩聖誕

- 慶祝釋迦摩尼佛聖誕浴佛節

- 國慶日護國息災法會

- 慶祝觀音菩薩成道日

- 慶祝盂蘭盆節

- 慶祝地藏菩薩聖誕

- 慶祝觀音菩薩出家日

- 慶祝藥師佛聖誕

- 佛三

- 梁皇寳懺

- 慶祝阿彌陀佛聖誕

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Press "CTRL" + "+" to enlarge;  

Press "CTRL" + "-" to reduce.  

Press "CRTL" + "0" to reset size. 



"CTRL"  "+"同按放大

"CTRL" 和 "-"縮小

"CRTL" "0" 還原


LBSM's Lunar New Year Mantra Recitation for Protecting the Nation & Quelling Disasters



- DRBAdharma's Channel by DRBAChinese (with English subtitles) on YouTube:  Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's talk for the year 1989, the year of the snake: 1989年新年開示 A Talk for the New Year (1989)  (with English subtitles 英文字幕)

-- 法總中文網站在YouTube的頻道-宣公上人開示 (英文字幕)


Celebration of Gwan Yin [Avalokiteshvara] Bodhisattva's Birthday at LBSM

Lễ Bồ Tát Quán Âm Ðản Sanh

長堤聖寺 慶祝觀音菩薩聖誕


Bathing the Baby Buddha Ceremony (Wesak / Vesak) in Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday at LBSM

Lễ Phật Ðản



- About Shakyamuni Buddha from the CTTB website

- Celebration of Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday at CTTB

- 2008 Bathing the Baby Buddha Ceremony (Vesak) at CTTB [DivX] [wmv]

- 1991 Bathing the Baby Buddha Ceremony (Vesak) at CTTB  [wmv]


Long Beach Sagely Monastery holds its own one-day annual Commemoration of the Anniversary of Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Entering Nirvana, along with the Grand Ceremony of Passing Offerings (sometime in June, ahead of City of Ten Thousand Buddhas' weekend-long Commemorations, during which weekend there will be no local events at Long Beach Sagely Monastery)


長堤聖寺每年舉辦紀念 宣公上人涅槃週年法會, 當日並舉行傳供大典(約在每年6月;之後,當萬佛聖城舉辦整個周末的紀念法會時,長堤聖寺法會則暫停


As the lotus touches not the water,

As sun and moon stop not in space,

He ends all suffering of the evil paths

And to everyone equally brings joy.

猶如蓮華不著水  亦如日月不住空 

悉除一切惡道苦  等與一切群生樂


I will be a good doctor for the sick and suffering;

I will lead those who have lost their way to the right road.

I will be a bright light for those in the dark night,

And cause the poor and destitute to uncover hidden treasures.

於諸病苦 為作良醫  於失道者 示其正路

於闇夜中 為作光明  於貧窮者 令得伏藏


Turning suffering into bliss,

Sprinkling cool dew to quench afflictions;

Bequeathing grace upon heaven and earth,

Like the sun, transforming all in this land and yonder.

轉苦緣而成樂具 灑熱惱而作清涼

留恩澤於天上人間  宣化日於他方此


With humaneness and integrity, represent Nature

In proclaiming truth and transforming kindred beings;

With filial respect and a sense of responsibility

For the welfare of every nation, instruct all people of the world.

慈祥代天宣化  忠孝為國教民


His kindness and compassion cross over all;

Believers are liberated and perfect the Right Enlightenment;

Transforming beings wherever he goes as his spirit remains intact;

Those who venerate him obtain blessings and awaken to the Unproduced.

慈悲普度 信者得救成正覺

過化存神 禮之獲福悟無生


LBSM's Independence Day Mantra Recitation for the Welfare of the Nation



...Let’s sincerely recite the Eradicating Disasters Auspicious Spirit Mantra...If we can recite it wholeheartedly, we will definitely have an inconceivable response...For the sake of all living beings, to eradicate the disasters and to bring auspiciousness to the whole world....




YouTube:  Disaster Eradicating Auspicious Spirit Mantra YouTube上的:消災吉祥神咒


Ten Small Mantras>>Daily Recitations page  十小咒>>早晚課網頁)


Celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Enlightenment Day at LBSM

Lễ Bồ Tát Quán Âm Thành Ðạo


Verse >> Gwan Yin Bodhisattva

偈誦 >> 觀音菩薩


Celebration of Ullambana at LBSM

Lễ Vu Lan


Long Beach: 08-10-08 Ullambana


The superior merit and virtue of making offerings to the monastics on the Pravarana Day (explained) and how the Venerable Mahamaudgalyayana saved his mother this way:






- Celebartion of Ullambana--an introduction from the CTTB website

- The Buddha Speaks the Ullambana Sutra from the CTTB website

- The Sutra about the Deep Kindness of Parents

- Functions of the Five Eyes - A Talk by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua during the 1989 Ullambana celebartion at CTTB  [video]

Helpful Tips on Making Offerings [PDF]





>> Vegan Buddhist Nuns Have Same Bone Density as Meat Eaters: a research study. 

Australian medical researchers found that although the 105 post-menopausal vegan (consuming no meat, no dairy, no eggs) Vietnamese Nuns in the study had 1/3 of the daily intake of calcium than the meat eaters, the vegan nuns' bone density was the same as the women who eat meat (animal protein) and diary.  The researchers note that fruits and vegetables are likely to have positive effects on bone health.


- [video] Functions of the Five Eyes--A Dharma Talk by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua at CTTB's Ullambana Celebration in 1989)  [影片] 五眼的功能--宣公上人1989年開示於萬佛聖城盂蘭盆法會







佛說盂蘭盆經》念誦 mp3 下載 (9.83 MB; 00:42:59)



Celebration of Earth Store [Ksitigarbha] Bodhisattva's Birthday at LBSM

Lễ Ðịa Tạng Bồ Tát Ðản Sanh



Earth Store Bodhisattva's Birthday

- Extinguishing Fixed Karma True Words: 滅定業真言


“The Earth Store Sutra is a Buddhist scripture on filial piety.  Earth Store Bodhisattva is a Bodhisattva who practices filial conduct and is most filial to his parents. By giving my lectures on the Sutra, I hope to inspire everyone to follow Earth Store Bodhisattva's example on filial piety.”   --Earth Store Sutra with Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua: Preface


- An introduction:  Earth Store Bodhisattva, Earth Store Recitation Session at CTTB from the CTTB website


With every ounce of effort, there is a corresponding amount of harvest.  When Earth Bodhisattva knows that you are reciting his name sincerely, he will eradicate your karmic obstacles.




- DRBAdharma's Channel by DRBAChinese on YouTube:

- 法總中文網站在YouTube的頻道-宣公上人開示:

地藏菩薩聖像開光法會(1) Inauguration of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Image1

地藏菩薩聖像開光法會(1) Inauguration of Ksitigarbha [Earth Store] Bodhisattva Image (1)

地藏菩薩聖像開光法會(2) Inauguration of Ksitigarbha [Earth Store] Bodhisattva Image (2)

地藏菩薩 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva

地藏菩薩 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva


- Earth Store Bodhisattva's storeis 地藏菩薩的故事 Địa Tạng Bồ Tát Đích Cố Sự  >> LBSM Posters長堤海報:


- 《地藏經》是佛教裡的一部「孝經」,地藏王菩薩也就是一位行孝的菩薩,是最孝順父母的一位菩薩。因為希望我們每一個人都學地藏王菩薩那種孝順父母的精神,所以來講這部《地藏經》--地藏菩薩本願經宣公上人淺釋:講經緣起


Celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Leaving Home Day at LBSM

Lễ Bồ Tát Quán Âm Xuất Gia


*"Leaving Home":  Taking leave of one's family and going forth from the householder's life

"The Five Desires":  Wealth, lust, fame, food, and sleep



Proper livelihood is the opposite of deviant livelihood, of which there are five kinds

1) Displaying an unusual appearance;

2) using a loud voice in order to appear awesome;

3) speaking of one’s own merit and virtue;

4) performing divination and fortune-telling;

5) speaking at length of offerings made to one...telling people how one has received this or that offering so that their minds move and they say, “Wow! Other people have made huge offerings like that. The least I can do is make some kind of offering to this person.”  

All of these are improper ways of supporting one’s life.

- The Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter Sixteen:  Brahma Conduct . A Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

*  *  *

Q: What does it mean for Sangha members to be "pure fields of blessings"?

Ven. Master Hsuan Hua:

To be pure is to have no defilement.


To have no defilement is just how to not fight, not be greedy, not seek, not be selfish, not be self-benefiting, and not lie.


The one who can keep the precept against holding money is truly a "pure fields of blessings" Sanghan.


If, when you offer one some money, one gets all tickled pink, then that is a problem.   


If one can be "thus unmoving and clear with understanding", then when you make an offering, one is the same, and when you do not make offerings, one is still the same. 

*  *  *

True fields of blessings are devoid of all selfish desires.

*  *  *








*  *  *

Don’t think that leaving home is an easy thing to do; it comes from a long history of planting for Bodhi.

莫道出家容易得  皆因屢世種菩提


Celebration of Quelling Disasters Lengthening Life Medicine Master Buddha's Birthday at LBSM:



There may be those among the fourfold assembly of Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakhas and Upasikas, as well as other good men and women of pure faith, who accept and uphold the eight precepts either for one year or for three months, practicing and studying them. With these good roots, they may vow to be born in the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss where the Buddha of Limitless Life dwells, to hear the Proper Dharma, but their resolve may not be firm.


However, if they hear the name of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, then as the end of their lives drew near, before them will appear eight great Bodhisattvas, whose names are: Manjusri Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva Who Observes the Sounds of the World, Great Strength Bodhisattva, Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva, Jeweled Udumbara Flower Bodhisattva, Medicine King Bodhisattva, Medicine Superior Bodhisattva, and Maitreya Bodhisattva.


Those eight great Bodhisattvas will appear in space to show them the way, and they will naturally be born by transformation in that land, amid precious flowers of a myriad colors.   

--The Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Past Vows of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata

*  *  *

..."[W]hen that World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, was practicing the Bodhisattva path in the past, he made twelve great vows that enable all sentient beings to obtain what they seek.... 


"At that time, the World Honored One entered a samadhi called 'Extinguishing the Suffering and Distress of All Beings.' After he entered this samadhi, a great light came forth from his flesh-cowl. 


"From amid that light he proclaimed this magnificent dharani:






HE   LA   SHE   YE


E  LA   HE   DI







SAN   MWO   JYE   DI   SWO   HE."


YouTube:  Medicine Master's True Words for Anointing The Crown

- Medicine Master Buddha's True Words for Anointing the Crown [MP3] download (625KB) 藥師灌頂真言

Ten Small Mantras>>Daily Recitations page)


- Chanting 唱誦 法總中文網站【線上聆聽】

南無消災延壽藥師佛聖號  Recitation in Chinese:

NA-MWO-SYAU-DZAI-YAN-SHOU-YAU-SHR-(YAU-SHR)-FWO [Homage to Quelling Disasters Lengthening Life Medicine Master Buddha]


- About Medicine Master Buddha from the CTTB website


>> Order Medicine Master Sutra [Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Past Vows of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata] CD in MP3 from bttsonline


- Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Past Vows of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata [htm] or from the CTTB's website:  Medicine Master Sutra


Audio: Medicine Master Sutra with Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua



-   - [PDF]


- YouTube:  藥師灌頂真言


- Medicine Master Buddha's True Words for Anointing the Crown [MP3] download (625KB) 藥師灌頂真言





















>> 藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經淺釋 宣公上人講述


 3-Day Amitabha Session--Mindfulness of the Buddha (Thanksgiving weekend)

長堤聖寺佛三  (感恩節周末)

Transmission of the Eight-fold Fasting-day Precepts


- If you wish to receive the Precepts (upholding the Precepts for 24 hours or longer), please call us in advance at 562.438.8902. 

- 報名受戒(發心持戒一日一夜廿四小時或更長時間),請電 562.438.8902


*  *  *

This first section is in English.  For Chinese, please scroll down to the next section. 



“Shariputra, those living beings who hear should vow, ‘I wish to be born in that country.’ And why? Those who thus attain are all superior and good people, all gathered together in one place. Shariputra, one cannot have few good roots, blessings, virtues, and causal connections to attain birth in that land.


Shakyamuni Buddha said, “All those living beings who hear the doctrine I teach should vow to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Why? Because the Sravakas and Bodhisattvas born there are all superior and good people.”

Although you may express the desire to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, unless you have good roots, blessings, and virtuous conduct, you won’t be able to be reborn there. You must have cultivated all the Paramita doors for many lifetimes and in this way obtained great good roots, great blessings, and great virtue, in order to have the opportunity to meet this wonderful Dharma.


Shariputra, if there is a good man or a good woman who hears spoken ‘Amitabha’ and holds the name, whether for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six days, as long as seven days, with one heart unconfused, when this person approaches the end of life, before him will appear Amitabha and all the assembly of holy ones. When the end comes, his heart is without inversion; in Amitabha’s Land of Ultimate Bliss he will attain rebirth. Shariputra, because I see this benefit, I speak these words: If living beings hear this spoken they should make the vow, ‘I will be born in that land.’


“Shariputra,” said the Buddha, “if a good man or woman, that is one who holds the five precepts and cultivates the ten good deeds, hears the name ‘Amitabha Buddha,’ that person should hold to the recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name, just like holding something tightly in the hand.” Recite the name, “Namo Amitabha Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha….”

Whether for one day. In Chinese, the word “whether” looks like this: ( ruo ). If you move the stroke in the middle, it changes into the word “suffering,” which looks like this: ( ku ). So you could say, “ suffering for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six days.” If you recite the Buddha’s name from four o’clock in the morning until ten at night for seven days, you can reach the level of one heart unconfused. When your life is about to end, Amitabha Buddha thinks, “That living being suffered for seven days reciting my name, and so now I will guide him to the Land of Ultimate Bliss. The time has come!” Then, Amitabha with Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, and the entire clear, pure, ocean-wide assembly of Bodhisattvas appear before you, and lead you to the Land of Ultimate Bliss. If you think you can escape, you can’t. You are surrounded. At this time, your heart is without inversion . You won’t say, “I don’t want to go! It’s too boring there!” It would never occur to you to refuse Amitabha’s invitation, and so you are born at once in the Western Land.

“Shariputra,” the Buddha continues, “I see the advantages and so I am explaining them to you. If other living beings in the Saha world hear these doctrines, they should make the vow to be born in that land.”

Previously, the text said, “Those living beings who hear should vow, ‘I wish to be born in that country.’” This passage says, “I will be born in that land,” that is “I vow that I shall certainly be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.”

 - Amitabha Sutra, with Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


- Amitabha Sutra with Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua from the CTTB website


- Amitabha Sutra with Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua [PDF]


*  *  *

For an introduction to Amitabha Buddha Recitation [Mindfulness of the Buddha] and the Pure Land Dharma-door >> Amitabha Buddha Recitation 

*  *  *

The Eight-fold Fasting-day Precepts:

Refraining from:

1.  Killing

2.  Stealing

3.  Sexual Activity

4.  Lying

5.  Taking Intoxicants

6.  Wearing Fragrant Flowers, Beads, or Fragrant Oil

7.  Sitting on High, Luxurious Beds or Participating in Singing, Dancing, Playing Musical Instruments, or Purposely Watching and Listening to Entertaining Diversions, and

8.  Eating at Improper Times [no eating after noon]

*  *  *

...By not sleeping in a grand bed, you train yourself not to be arrogant....  Not eating at improper times means not eating after noon. Not eating after noon helps train you against greed, because if you can eat anytime you want, then you will simply want to eat all the time. Laypeople can take these precepts....

- Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's explanations & stories of the Venerable Upali >> The Precepts

*  *  *

以下為中文 (The following section is in Chinese.)








- 佛說阿彌陀經

















-佛說阿彌陀經淺釋 宣上人講述

*  *  *

淨土法門介紹 >> 持名念佛

*  *  *









八)離非時食 [過午不食]

*  *  *




--宣公上人講述、優波離尊者的故事 >> 請見戒律

Sunday, 12-22, 8AM ~ Sunday, 12-29-2019, at Long Beach Sagely Monastery:

30th Anniversary Celebration & Emperor Liang's Jeweled Repentance

Sunday, 12-22 ~ Saturday, 12-28, 7:15PM ~ 8:30PM:

Dharma Talks


For sponsoring Eradicating Disasters & Lengthening Life Plaques and Rebirth Plaques for the Deceased for the duration of the Repentance Ceremony, please register with our Monastery well in advance to ensure timely processing.  For details, please call our Monastery at 562.438.8902.

2019年12月22日,星期日,上午8時 ~ 12月29日,星期日,於長堤聖寺:

長堤聖寺卅週年慶 梁皇寳懺法會

12月22日星期日~ 12月28日星期六,晚 7:15 ~ 8:30 時



有關設立梁皇寳懺期間消災延壽牌位往生超薦牌位事宜,請儘早向本寺登記辦理,以利作業。詳情請電本寺  562.438.8902




Turning suffering into bliss,

Sprinkling cool dew to quench afflictions;

Bequeathing grace upon heaven and earth,

Like the sun, transforming all in this land and yonder.

轉苦緣而成樂具 灑熱惱而作清涼

留恩澤於天上人間  宣化日於他方此


Long Beach Sagely Monastery, in celebration of its 30th anniversary, will conduct the ceremony of Emperor Liang's Jeweled Repentance from December 22, at 8AM, to December 29, 2019.

With utmost sincerity as we bow in repentance,

Calamities are quelled and offenses eradicated.

Calamities quelled--auspiciousness presides;

Offenses eradicated--blessings come forth.

Indeed!  A good medicine that cures illnesses,

A bright light that dispels darkness,

Benefiting the nine states of existence,

Blessing the four kinds of birth!

All faithful are cordially invited to attend the ceremony, as we light incense, beseech blessings, and plant supreme causes.  Together, we pray for world peace, the safety and prosperity of our nation and its people, clement weather, and for both the living and the deceased to leave suffering and attain bliss.


Long Beach Sagely Monastery


長堤聖寺謹擇於2019年12月22日至12月29日,上午8時 ,舉行卅週年慶典,啓建梁皇寳懺。至誠

禮懺消災  災消吉至

因玆滅罪  罪滅福生

真救病之良藥  破暗之明燈

恩沾九有  德被四生







長堤聖寺 謹識


Celebration of Amitabha Buddha's Birthday at LBSM

Lễ Phật A Di Ðà Ðản Sanh




>> See more on our Amitabha Buddha Recitation webpage

>> 更多請見 持名念佛 網頁


- Introduction to Amitabha Buddha from the CTTB website:  (The meaning of "Amitabha" or "amitofo" in Chinese)  ...also known as "Amitayus," "infinite life."  "Amitabha" means "infinite light"....

- Introduction to Buddha Recitation from the CTTB website



Archives:  Past Events at LBSM:


- Flower Adornment Repentancey

- 1,000 Buddhas Repentanc

- Cherishing Youth Day



- 華嚴懺

- 千佛懺

- 懷少節


Flower Adornment [Avatamsaka] Repentance at LBSM:


Chanting 唱誦 法總中文網站【線上聆聽】華嚴懺華嚴聖號


1,000 Buddhas Repentance at LBSM




Verses by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua--LBSM Posters for Cherishing Youth Day, 2008:







Copyright © 2001  Long Beach Sagely Monastery.  All rights reserved.
Revised: 09/12/11.