Cherishing Life webpage
HOME, a film, released on 06-05-09, by French photographer Yann
Vegan Buddhist Nuns Have Same Bone Density as Meat Eaters:
medical researchers found that although the
105 post-menopausal vegan (consuming no meat, no dairy, no eggs)
Vietnamese Nuns in the study had 1/3 of the daily intake of calcium than
the meat eaters, the vegan nuns' bone density was the same as the women
who eat meat (animal protein) and diary. The researchers note that
fruits and vegetables are likely to have positive effects on bone health.
See below:
Cherishing Life -
Volume 1 (pages 6-83)
>> Also see: Our
Veggie Recipes page...
Stories from The Love
of Life
新增!網路追追追/二十年穿鐵衣取膽 母熊含淚殺子並自殺?
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