2nd Patriarch:  the Ven. Ananda
3rd Patriarch:  the Ven. Sanakavasa
4th Patriarch:  the Ven. Upagupta
5th Patriarch:  the Ven. Dhrtaka
6th Patriarch:  the Ven. Miccaka
7th Patriarch:  the Ven. Vasumitra
8th Patriarch:  the Ven. Buddhanandi
9th Patriarch:  the Ven. Buddhamitra
10th Patriarch:  the Ven. Parshva
11th Patriarch:  the Ven. Punyayashas
12th Patriarch:  Mahasattva Ashvaghosha
13th Patriarch:  the Ven. Kapinala
14th Patriarch:  Mahasattva Nagarjuna
15th Patriarch:  the Ven. Kanadeva
16th Patriarch:  the Ven. Rahulata
17th Patriarch:  the Ven. Sanghanandi
18th Patriarch:  the Ven. Gayashata
19th Patriarch:  the Ven. Kumarata
20th Patriarch:  the Ven. Jayata
21st Patriarch:  the Ven. Vasubandhu
22nd Patriarch:  the Ven. Manorhita
23rd Patriarch:  the Ven. Haklena
24th Patriarch:  the Ven. Aryasimha
25th Patriarch:  the Ven. Basiasita
26th Patriarch:  the Ven. Punyamitra
27th Patriarch:  the Ven. Prajnatara